Regulating telework and occupational safety and health in a post-COVID world

Telework looks likely to become a permanent feature of employment for many organisations following the COVID-19 pandemic. But to what extent is this form of work covered by legislation to protect workers? A new report — informed by a survey of EU-OSHA’s national focal points and a literature review — examines how telework is regulated at EU and national levels.


Protecting teleworkers’ safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic

The sudden increase in teleworking from home during the COVID-19 pandemic has put workers at greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems. A new report looks at these risks, the benefits and problems arising from teleworking, and the EU regulations in place to protect workers. It is illustrated with examples from different sectors in several countries of good teleworking practices adopted during the pandemic and highlights the importance of risk assessment. 

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