Safe and healthy workplaces in Europe: EU-OSHA reveals latest trends at the 2023 EU Occupational Safety and Health Summit

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched its flagship report Occupational safety and health in Europe: state and trends 2023 at the 2023 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Summit in Stockholm. It provides a comprehensive review of the state and contextual developments of OSH in the European Union over the past years and provides insights into emerging trends.


Treffen zum Abschluss der europäischen Kampagne für Gesunde Arbeitsplätze 2020/22 

Europäische Arbeitsschutzakteure aus Forschung, Politik und Praxis kamen jetzt zusammen, um den Abschluss der Kampagne der EU-OSHA „Gesunde Arbeitsplätze – Entlasten Dich!“ zu zelebrieren. Die Kampagne zur Prävention arbeitsbedingter Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen (MSE) wurde in 30 europäischen Ländern durch die Focal Points (FoPs) umgesetzt. Die Basi unterstützte die Kampagne als Medienpartner, Basi-Geschäftsführer Dr. Christian Felten gehörte zu den Gästen der Abschlussveranstaltung. Der Schwerpunkt der Kampagne 2023/25 lautet „Sicher und gesund Arbeiten in Zeiten der Digitalisierung“ .


„The Beach of Enchaquirados“ wins the 2022 Healthy Workplaces Film Award

In a small village in Ecuador, Vicky during daytime goes fishing and in the evening, she runs a little bar. Vicky belongs to the local trans community and she balances her physically tough work at sea with feminine elegance in her private life. ‘The Beach of Enchaquirados’ (Ecuador, 2021) shows how LGBTI people can be accepted in a remote fishing community. The jury was especially appreciative of “how this film shows that togetherness and solidarity are important dimensions of working life, showing that community spirit contributes to individual resilience.”


Let’s lighten the load – discover how to address psychosocial risks and MSDs

It’s not just the physical demands of a job that can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Psychosocial factors such as excessive workloads, low job satisfaction and lack of support may contribute to or even worsen MSDs. Equally, MSDs can contribute to stress and mental overload. The current Healthy Workplaces campaign of EU-Osha aims to enhance understanding of the links between psychosocial risks and MSDs and recommends effective prevention approaches and examples of good practice.


AI for worker management: risks and opportunities for OSH

The use of artificial intelligence-based worker management (AIWM) systems can help design healthy and safe jobs and workplaces, but it may also bring about risks to workers such as intensification of work, loss of job control and dehumanisation. A new report outlines the risks and opportunities of AIWM systems for occupational safety and health.


ESENER survey highlights digital technologies and COVID-19 as new challenges to safety and health management

Digitalisation has been clearly identified an emerging occupational safety and health (OSH) issue by the 2019 European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER). But despite the increasing use of robots, laptops, smartphones or wearable devices, less than one in four workplaces (24 %) are having discussions about the potential impact of such technologies on the safety and health of workers.


Advanced robotics and artificial intelligence for the automation of tasks at work: current status and considerations for OSH

Automation in the workplace is rising. While advances in technologies are opening up new opportunities, they also offer new challenges for the future of occupational safety and health (OSH). As part of its 4-year research programme on digitalisation, EU-OSHA has published an initial report to address types and definitions of artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced robotics for the automation of tasks at work.

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